lørdag 8. mars 2008

Norwegian dinner.

We had our big dinner today. Me, SiljeCam, 4 of my classmates, 4 of Siljes classmates and then Siljes flatmate.

I'm a bit tired now, so I wont write that much. But the dinner (pinnekjøtt med kålrotstappe og potet) was said to be delicious. And the dessert (cloudberry cream) was definitly Mei Yee's favourite.

I just love pinnekjøtt (which is salted, soaked, damped and grilled lamb ribs). And it was about perfect. Thanks, Silje! Lets go norwegian some other day too!

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

It was a meal of a lifetime, made with lots of love, I think that made a major difference.
Thank You.