fredag 21. mars 2008

Just another friday.

The alarm set off at 07.00, one hour after the construction workers started to use their powertools just outside my bedroom window. A nice start.

We had latin the three first teaching hours today. Even some of my other teachers on the faculty is referring to the latin teacher as "the dinosaur". Don't get me wrong. Our teacher is exellent. She knows a lot, and make us read. And makes us to understand the systems of latin language. Or.. It's not that she makes us. She forces us. It's not unusual that a poor student is leaving the classroom in tears. Or allmost in tears. She can be quite hush.

Todays test was hard, we had to decline nouns from 3rd consonant declension (masculine) with adjective from 2nd declension, then the same for 3rd vowel declension (masculine and neuter). Then we had to joint some expressions with prepositions, translate, find opposite and finally find appropriate greek nouns to combine with the endings -itis, -itidis/-oma, -omata/-otis, -otis and combine theese nouns (now patological descriptions) with different adjectives with appropriate genders..

After latin, we had two embryology lectures. It's very interesting, and important to know about the embyonic developement. Unfortunatly, my class can be quite noisy during these lectures. Yes, I know it's last lecture on a friday, but please! Don't make it a "knitting club". We can gossip in the breakes and after lectures. I get quite embrassed everytime the teachers have to interrupt the lecture to calm down the class.

And after last lecture I wished all classmates happy easter, and went to the computer room. Siti stopped me and gave me a folder about islam. I'll read it, but it probably wont make me a muslim... Thanks anyway, Siti! :)

Edit: 3 photos from my desk today.
  1. four of my 16 tables of endings and their declensions
  2. A paper with tasks in the first a-declension (there is 5 declensions, most of them divided to more groups due to gender and rules for declining the vocab)
  3. A overwiew of my desk. Notice the mp-3-player distal and lateral of my notes ;) Music keeps me alive here..

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

The dinosaur sounds like a nice teacher... not. I think a good teacher makes her students smile, not cry. It's easier to learn things that way.