Ah, snart jul, jo! Bare to dager igjen av rotteracet, så blir det lang juleferie. Helt til 9. januar, faktisk. Eller, det vi si, jeg må nok bruke tid på studiene hjemme også, så bøker og forelesningspapirer får bare følge med hjem. Eksamen i januar er like sikkert som nisse på julekvelden.
Ja, hjemreise. Det blir mye å ta med seg. I skrivende stund har jeg 11-12 julegaver, 3,6 kg reinkjøtt, diverse småting og selvsagt "det vanlige" som skal pakkes ned i kofferten. Jeg håper jeg ikke får riktig like mange/store gaver tilbake, jeg er rett og slett redd for at jeg ikke har plass! I morgen blir det i alle fall 4 timers forelesning om vaksiner, på tirsdag blir det oppsummering av de siste casene våre, og så tar jeg flybussen direkte fra Umeå universitet.
Så er det bare å håpe på at alle gaver er i boks, at julestemningen er skrudd på bortimot maksimum og at mamma ikke tenker å spolere søstrene sisters' serinakakebakedag... At det blir jul, er jeg i alle fall ikke i tvil om!
Å ja, det store valget er foretatt. Det blir som det blir.
søndag 19. desember 2010
fredag 19. november 2010
Det store valget
Hei! Lenge siden sist (som vanlig). Nå har jeg hatt siste eksamen i anatomi/fysiologi/histo-faget vårt, og det gikk sånn omtrent dårlig. Resultatet kommer kanskje til uka, men uansett hva det blir, skal jeg bare se framover. En eventuell konteeksamen får vente til jeg har tid og lyst, mer eller mindre.
Nytt kurs har dermed også starta, Attack och försvar. Svenske politistudenter har et kurs med akkurat samme tittel, men innholdet er ganske forskjellig. Vårt handler om immunforsvaret, bakterier, sopp og virus. Det er mange labber (hurra!) som handler om bakterievekst, bakterietyper, antibiotika og eksponensielle kurver, samt mange gode forelesninger og heller lite dødtid.
Med andre ord, jeg har dagene fyllt til randen. Fysioterapi, legeundersøkelser og tannlegebesøk hadde jeg all verdens tid til før siste eksamen, nå har jeg store vanskeligheter med å finne smutthull i timeplanen.
Og midt oppi alt dette må jeg gjøre et ganske stort valg. Skal jeg fortsette studiene mine her i Umeå om et år, eller skal jeg bytte studieby? Jeg må velge og jeg må sende inn mitt svar på valget innen 5. desember. Her er valgene, samt fordeler og ulemper:
Bli værende i Umeå:
-Jeg slipper å flytte, og slipper dermed å selge leiligheten med det første
-De fleste i klassen min blir også her
-Jeg kjenner byen
-Jeg får mye og bra helsehjelp her
-70 studenter skal sloss om egentlig for få pasienter og veiledere
-Jeg blir boende langt fra Norge ut studietiden
-Jeg må reise ut og ta 2-4 ukers praksiser rundt om i Nord-Sverige resten av studietiden.
Dra til Sundsvall
-Få som konkurrerer om pasienter/veiledere (10 studenter pr klasse)
-Slipper å reise Norrland rundt på forskjellige praksiser, men må dra til Umeå for enkelte moment på timeplanen
-IKEA som nabo...
Dra til Luleå
-Få som konkurrerer om pasienter/veiledere (10 studenter pr klasse)
-Slipper å reise Norrland rundt på forskjellige praksiser, men må dra til Umeå for enkelte moment på timeplanen
-Jeg kommer meg nord for polarsirkelen...
Dra til Östersund
-Få som konkurrerer om pasienter/veiledere (10 studenter pr klasse)
-Slipper å reise Norrland rundt på forskjellige praksiser, men må dra til Umeå for enkelte moment på timeplanen
-Kjempenært Trondheim, lillesøster og Norge generellt sett (175 kr for togbillett til Trheim)
-Billige leiligheter (helt akseptabel pris på 2-romsleiligheter, især kjekt om jeg får hund til sommeren)
Oh.. ja.. det blir vanskelig det her. Jeg elsker å flytte på meg, utforske nye steder og har mange lopper i blodet. Men det er jo fint her i Umeå også... Noen synspunkter på hva jeg burde velge??
Nytt kurs har dermed også starta, Attack och försvar. Svenske politistudenter har et kurs med akkurat samme tittel, men innholdet er ganske forskjellig. Vårt handler om immunforsvaret, bakterier, sopp og virus. Det er mange labber (hurra!) som handler om bakterievekst, bakterietyper, antibiotika og eksponensielle kurver, samt mange gode forelesninger og heller lite dødtid.
Med andre ord, jeg har dagene fyllt til randen. Fysioterapi, legeundersøkelser og tannlegebesøk hadde jeg all verdens tid til før siste eksamen, nå har jeg store vanskeligheter med å finne smutthull i timeplanen.
Og midt oppi alt dette må jeg gjøre et ganske stort valg. Skal jeg fortsette studiene mine her i Umeå om et år, eller skal jeg bytte studieby? Jeg må velge og jeg må sende inn mitt svar på valget innen 5. desember. Her er valgene, samt fordeler og ulemper:
Bli værende i Umeå:
-Jeg slipper å flytte, og slipper dermed å selge leiligheten med det første
-De fleste i klassen min blir også her
-Jeg kjenner byen
-Jeg får mye og bra helsehjelp her
-70 studenter skal sloss om egentlig for få pasienter og veiledere
-Jeg blir boende langt fra Norge ut studietiden
-Jeg må reise ut og ta 2-4 ukers praksiser rundt om i Nord-Sverige resten av studietiden.
Dra til Sundsvall
-Få som konkurrerer om pasienter/veiledere (10 studenter pr klasse)
-Slipper å reise Norrland rundt på forskjellige praksiser, men må dra til Umeå for enkelte moment på timeplanen
-IKEA som nabo...
Dra til Luleå
-Få som konkurrerer om pasienter/veiledere (10 studenter pr klasse)
-Slipper å reise Norrland rundt på forskjellige praksiser, men må dra til Umeå for enkelte moment på timeplanen
-Jeg kommer meg nord for polarsirkelen...
Dra til Östersund
-Få som konkurrerer om pasienter/veiledere (10 studenter pr klasse)
-Slipper å reise Norrland rundt på forskjellige praksiser, men må dra til Umeå for enkelte moment på timeplanen
-Kjempenært Trondheim, lillesøster og Norge generellt sett (175 kr for togbillett til Trheim)
-Billige leiligheter (helt akseptabel pris på 2-romsleiligheter, især kjekt om jeg får hund til sommeren)
Oh.. ja.. det blir vanskelig det her. Jeg elsker å flytte på meg, utforske nye steder og har mange lopper i blodet. Men det er jo fint her i Umeå også... Noen synspunkter på hva jeg burde velge??
mandag 4. oktober 2010
Kanelbullens dag!
Ja, i dag var kanelbollens dag. En stor dag i Sverige, den har vært feira i 10 år. Som innflytter må jeg jo anpasse meg til lokale tradisjoner, så jeg har tatt min kjære Kenwood i bruk i dag, og her ser dere resultatene!
Kenwooden i arbeid:

Deigen hviler littegranne:

De ferdige kanelsnurrene:

Nadja og Andreas kom og prøvesmakte dem, og det var visst noe som kan la seg gjenta.. :)
Kenwooden i arbeid:
Deigen hviler littegranne:
De ferdige kanelsnurrene:
Nadja og Andreas kom og prøvesmakte dem, og det var visst noe som kan la seg gjenta.. :)
torsdag 30. september 2010
Jakten på det perfekte brødet
Nå har jaktsesongen starta. Jakten på det perfekte brødet, de perfekte croissantene og den beste kaka. Jeg fikk nemlig min nye kjøkkenassistent/eltemaskin i dag, og endelig kan jeg begynne å bake eget uten å vri armene av meg og søle utover hele kjøkkenet.
Maskina er mer perfekt enn hva jeg i utgangspunktet kunne tenke meg, og det før jeg har begynt å bruke den. Bakebollen går nemlig inn i oppvaskmaskina, og absolutt alle delene er i glass eller rustfritt stål og tåler dermed oppvaskmaskin. Me like! Den gamle bakebollen i metall var for stor for oppvaskmaskina og dessuten ustabil, så den passer nok bedre til salat og sånt.
Uansett, jeg har lett rundt på nettet etter en god og skikkelig grov brødoppskrift som kan gi myke, luftige, saftige og skikkelig grove brød. Utfordringa blir ekstra stor siden jeg befinner meg i Sverige, og ikke alle meltypene jeg er vant med hjemmefra finnes (derimot finnes det andre malingsgrader og meltyper). Alternativet kan jo være å bruke svenske oppskrifter, men da er jeg jo tilbake til utgangsproblemet; svensk brød er jo ikke grovt, dessuten ofte søtt og fullt av ting jeg ikke liker. Men nå har jeg i alle fall en kandidat på brødfronten, så får jeg heller vandre Umeå rundt til jeg finner passende mel.
Maskina er mer perfekt enn hva jeg i utgangspunktet kunne tenke meg, og det før jeg har begynt å bruke den. Bakebollen går nemlig inn i oppvaskmaskina, og absolutt alle delene er i glass eller rustfritt stål og tåler dermed oppvaskmaskin. Me like! Den gamle bakebollen i metall var for stor for oppvaskmaskina og dessuten ustabil, så den passer nok bedre til salat og sånt.
Uansett, jeg har lett rundt på nettet etter en god og skikkelig grov brødoppskrift som kan gi myke, luftige, saftige og skikkelig grove brød. Utfordringa blir ekstra stor siden jeg befinner meg i Sverige, og ikke alle meltypene jeg er vant med hjemmefra finnes (derimot finnes det andre malingsgrader og meltyper). Alternativet kan jo være å bruke svenske oppskrifter, men da er jeg jo tilbake til utgangsproblemet; svensk brød er jo ikke grovt, dessuten ofte søtt og fullt av ting jeg ikke liker. Men nå har jeg i alle fall en kandidat på brødfronten, så får jeg heller vandre Umeå rundt til jeg finner passende mel.

søndag 26. september 2010
Jeg har investert mye tid i sommerjobb i år, og sitter igjen med mange fine norske oljekroner på kontoen. Noe har gått til en bunad (folkedrakt) og noe til må-ha-ting til hus, hjem og studier.
Denne uka henta jeg ut et helt nytt Littmann stetoskop, og nå hører jeg på absolutt alt! Hjertet som dunker, magen som rumler, susingen i lungene, vifta i Macen osv.. Ganske mange spennende lyder rundt omkring! Neste uke skal jeg ha litt blodtrykksøvinger med Lotta i klassen, da får jeg vel høre Korotkoffs lyd også. Ganske dyrt, men nå har jeg et stetoskop som faktisk leder lyd (i motsetning til stetoskopene på fakultetet...) Og så fikk jeg gravyr inkludert i prisen, sånn at jeg ikke så lett mister det..

Kommende uke skal jeg bestille formstøpte myke ørepropper med lydfilter i. Det blir deilig etter å ha strevd med diverse silikonpropper og skumpropper i over et år, jeg ender bare med sus i øret og sår i øregangen av engangspropper. Jeg bruker de stort sett når jeg leser, men også om natten om naboen bestemmer seg å plutselig ha fest. Noe som heldigvis ikke skjer så ofte, men det hender jo..
Og om to uker får jeg hjem min nye kjøkkenmaskin. Jeg liker å bake mitt eget brød, i og med at brødet man får kjøpt her i Sverige oftest ikke er noe særlig grovt, det er gjerne søtt og fullt av krydder og konserveringsmiddel. Ikke noe for meg, altså. Valget var ganske enkelt; det måtte bli en av de maskinene med størst wattstyrke, gode testresultater og mange tilbehør (bl.a. kjøttkvern) tilgjengelig. Valget falt på Kenwood KM020 på 1500 watt. Til sammenligning har designyndlingen KitchenAid bare skrøpelige 300 watt og tåler ikke å elte en liten brøddeig i mer enn 5 minutter i følge enkelte kjøpere. Så får jeg bare håpe at den lever opp til forventningene. Utførlige brukstester skal nok utføres med tiden. Her er også et bilde på min nye yndling:
Denne uka henta jeg ut et helt nytt Littmann stetoskop, og nå hører jeg på absolutt alt! Hjertet som dunker, magen som rumler, susingen i lungene, vifta i Macen osv.. Ganske mange spennende lyder rundt omkring! Neste uke skal jeg ha litt blodtrykksøvinger med Lotta i klassen, da får jeg vel høre Korotkoffs lyd også. Ganske dyrt, men nå har jeg et stetoskop som faktisk leder lyd (i motsetning til stetoskopene på fakultetet...) Og så fikk jeg gravyr inkludert i prisen, sånn at jeg ikke så lett mister det..
Kommende uke skal jeg bestille formstøpte myke ørepropper med lydfilter i. Det blir deilig etter å ha strevd med diverse silikonpropper og skumpropper i over et år, jeg ender bare med sus i øret og sår i øregangen av engangspropper. Jeg bruker de stort sett når jeg leser, men også om natten om naboen bestemmer seg å plutselig ha fest. Noe som heldigvis ikke skjer så ofte, men det hender jo..
Og om to uker får jeg hjem min nye kjøkkenmaskin. Jeg liker å bake mitt eget brød, i og med at brødet man får kjøpt her i Sverige oftest ikke er noe særlig grovt, det er gjerne søtt og fullt av krydder og konserveringsmiddel. Ikke noe for meg, altså. Valget var ganske enkelt; det måtte bli en av de maskinene med størst wattstyrke, gode testresultater og mange tilbehør (bl.a. kjøttkvern) tilgjengelig. Valget falt på Kenwood KM020 på 1500 watt. Til sammenligning har designyndlingen KitchenAid bare skrøpelige 300 watt og tåler ikke å elte en liten brøddeig i mer enn 5 minutter i følge enkelte kjøpere. Så får jeg bare håpe at den lever opp til forventningene. Utførlige brukstester skal nok utføres med tiden. Her er også et bilde på min nye yndling:

onsdag 22. september 2010
Oh, sliten! Har hatt ganske mye å gjøre i dag, og orker ikke en gang å skrive på engelsk. Gjør kanskje ingenting, google translate er løsningen for mine internasjonale lesere (om de fremdeles finnes), dessuten skriver jeg nok en smule bedre på norsk nå.
I dag har vi hatt 4 timer med hjertefysiologi, en ganske massiv forelesning fra åtte til tolv. Deretter var det en kjemperask lunsj før jeg måtte løpe til sjukehuset for litt fysioterapi. Der møtes opptil flere medisinstudenter og andre med diverse skader for å trene littegranne i en times tid.
På tampen av dagen måtte jeg ikke glemme vasketiden mellom to og fem, og nå har jeg mest lyst til å bare legge meg flatt ned i sofaen og bare.. ..være. Men først må jeg selvsagt brette tørre klær og legge de på plass.. Uh.
Visste du foresten at hjertet ikke er en muskelklump med huler i, men mer en oppkveila muskelslange? Den er kveila opp omtrent på samme måte som en tennissokk når du forsøker å vri mest mulig vann ut av den; altså vri, brett og vri igjen til du sitter med en hardt knytta nesten rund klump i hånda. Der ja!
I dag har vi hatt 4 timer med hjertefysiologi, en ganske massiv forelesning fra åtte til tolv. Deretter var det en kjemperask lunsj før jeg måtte løpe til sjukehuset for litt fysioterapi. Der møtes opptil flere medisinstudenter og andre med diverse skader for å trene littegranne i en times tid.
På tampen av dagen måtte jeg ikke glemme vasketiden mellom to og fem, og nå har jeg mest lyst til å bare legge meg flatt ned i sofaen og bare.. ..være. Men først må jeg selvsagt brette tørre klær og legge de på plass.. Uh.
Visste du foresten at hjertet ikke er en muskelklump med huler i, men mer en oppkveila muskelslange? Den er kveila opp omtrent på samme måte som en tennissokk når du forsøker å vri mest mulig vann ut av den; altså vri, brett og vri igjen til du sitter med en hardt knytta nesten rund klump i hånda. Der ja!
søndag 19. september 2010
Election night
I have voted today, in the Swedish election. As a foreign student, I'm not allowed to vote for the state government, only for the local election. But I like to decide how my home community should be like.
Politicians are like sheep; they are easy to send to any direction if the sheperd and his dog gives the right cues. But they're also a bit stupid, give them an errorous cue and they will run in any direction..
I really hope that the rasistic party Sverigedemokratene (SD) won't get any political power. They are at the moment in the government with 20 people, that's a lot.
As a foreigner, it's important to remember and be humble over the benefits I get by living and studying here. I'm not the type of foreginer that SD want out of the coutry at the first, but that's not a relief. It would be a sad world without communication over the borders.
Politicians are like sheep; they are easy to send to any direction if the sheperd and his dog gives the right cues. But they're also a bit stupid, give them an errorous cue and they will run in any direction..
I really hope that the rasistic party Sverigedemokratene (SD) won't get any political power. They are at the moment in the government with 20 people, that's a lot.
As a foreigner, it's important to remember and be humble over the benefits I get by living and studying here. I'm not the type of foreginer that SD want out of the coutry at the first, but that's not a relief. It would be a sad world without communication over the borders.
tirsdag 14. september 2010
A not so ordinary day
For most people, has this day been a quite ordinary tuesday. For me, a bit more special. Lets start with midnight. Nothing special happend then, exept that my unordinary day started. At one o'clock things kind of changed. My nephew was born. A huge boy came to this strange world, and my father was of course the first one to tell the whole world (why wait for the happy newmade dad/my brother to send the message??
Then I tried to sleep for a while, but couldn't. That's what happends when someone calls for my attention after bedtime. At four I allmost falled a sleep, but then my father had to message me again. Since my brother had sent a small video of the newborn wonder, and my father just have got himself a brand new iPhone (damn it, electronic revolution!!!), all the new information had to be spread before breakfast time. My father is in desperate need of a 6 months course in do's and dont's of social medias.
At 10.40 (about 3 hours late during my plans) I woke up. By a phonecall. It was my ergo therapist who wanted an appointment for a chair adjustment. All together a very nice talk and fine way to wake up..
The plans for today was to do som labs at uni, but on my way to the lab, I saw a unconscious person lying on the pavement at the bus stop down the street. A small group of people had gathered 3-4 meters away from the lady, and they sad they'd called for an ambulance. But nobody did actually sit beside the lady, checking up her pulse, breathing and level of consciousness. When I sat down I saw she had an epileptic seizure. I monitored her and tried to get in contact with her, while waiting for the professionals. Luckily the ambulance personel did come in a few minutes, and it seemed that they knew the patient.
Then I did the coagulation lab. Sadly, the blood serum for our group was of bad quality, it had allready coagulated before the tests, so all our results was eigher biased or negative. Not funny. I have no more to do today, exept for studying/reading, but I'm way to tired to do so. I'll restart tomorrow.
Well, that's my not so ordinary day.
Then I tried to sleep for a while, but couldn't. That's what happends when someone calls for my attention after bedtime. At four I allmost falled a sleep, but then my father had to message me again. Since my brother had sent a small video of the newborn wonder, and my father just have got himself a brand new iPhone (damn it, electronic revolution!!!), all the new information had to be spread before breakfast time. My father is in desperate need of a 6 months course in do's and dont's of social medias.
At 10.40 (about 3 hours late during my plans) I woke up. By a phonecall. It was my ergo therapist who wanted an appointment for a chair adjustment. All together a very nice talk and fine way to wake up..
The plans for today was to do som labs at uni, but on my way to the lab, I saw a unconscious person lying on the pavement at the bus stop down the street. A small group of people had gathered 3-4 meters away from the lady, and they sad they'd called for an ambulance. But nobody did actually sit beside the lady, checking up her pulse, breathing and level of consciousness. When I sat down I saw she had an epileptic seizure. I monitored her and tried to get in contact with her, while waiting for the professionals. Luckily the ambulance personel did come in a few minutes, and it seemed that they knew the patient.
Then I did the coagulation lab. Sadly, the blood serum for our group was of bad quality, it had allready coagulated before the tests, so all our results was eigher biased or negative. Not funny. I have no more to do today, exept for studying/reading, but I'm way to tired to do so. I'll restart tomorrow.
Well, that's my not so ordinary day.
søndag 12. september 2010
Big plans!
I love projects. This summer I started several new ones. First of all I hopefully managed to secure myself summer jobs at the local hospital for the rest of my study time. (I also worked at the local eldery home, but it was a bit hard for my back.. But at least I got to know a handfull of very nice coworkers there.)
Second, I bought myself a bunad, the national costume in Norway. Why a project? Well: I have to stitch it together myself. And I promise you, that's a long lasting project! Hopefully, I will be finished to the next constitution day in may 17th, 2011.. Maybe!
I'm of course knitting a lot of baby clothes (no, having a baby is not one of my projects this year..), both my brother with family and a very good friend of me is expecting a baby during this academic year.
Then I started a new round of medical examinations after the head and back trauma I got in czech republic two years ago. This time I got some more results and some clear advise this time. I've started more directed physical therapy and will probably start on some medications who will help me controlling my days and study ability. I have to stay in hospital for a week or three in short time, the insurance company need some more data on my health after the traffic accident, now when the two year limit for determinding long term damage is reached.
Fifth, I and a class mate has been talking about a journey during this winter. Maybe only for a weekend, but as my sister stated last year "de e turan som telle!".
And the last one. I'm still the head of ANSA Sweden (Association of Norwegian Students Abroad). That means that I have to travel around Sweden and meet some of the members here, and arrange some social events.
And, of course, there are allways other grand plans. I think I'm better and more like my old me, even if I still have my ups and downs.
Second, I bought myself a bunad, the national costume in Norway. Why a project? Well: I have to stitch it together myself. And I promise you, that's a long lasting project! Hopefully, I will be finished to the next constitution day in may 17th, 2011.. Maybe!
I'm of course knitting a lot of baby clothes (no, having a baby is not one of my projects this year..), both my brother with family and a very good friend of me is expecting a baby during this academic year.
Then I started a new round of medical examinations after the head and back trauma I got in czech republic two years ago. This time I got some more results and some clear advise this time. I've started more directed physical therapy and will probably start on some medications who will help me controlling my days and study ability. I have to stay in hospital for a week or three in short time, the insurance company need some more data on my health after the traffic accident, now when the two year limit for determinding long term damage is reached.
Fifth, I and a class mate has been talking about a journey during this winter. Maybe only for a weekend, but as my sister stated last year "de e turan som telle!".
And the last one. I'm still the head of ANSA Sweden (Association of Norwegian Students Abroad). That means that I have to travel around Sweden and meet some of the members here, and arrange some social events.
And, of course, there are allways other grand plans. I think I'm better and more like my old me, even if I still have my ups and downs.
søndag 6. juni 2010
Last final this semester
Is now over. I believe I passed, so I won't bring any books home over the summer. Only two weeks until I know the results, though.
I'm gonna work a lot this summer, I need spear money for my last academic year. Have to start saving now!
I'm gonna work a lot this summer, I need spear money for my last academic year. Have to start saving now!
lørdag 5. juni 2010
Why I bought my own apartement
There is a lot of students in Umeå. About 30 000 to be quite exact. Most students lives in student homes and corridors the first period of the studies, maybe during the whole education. It is, of course a quite cheap, convenient and easy way to live, if the corridor mates are okay.
But there may be some things a student have to considerate before leaving his or her home for becoming a student. One of them is the ratio between corridor parties and reading required for the finals (or worse, you trying to read when your neighboroughs are partying). One other is the possibillity of corridor mates stealing food and soap from your cupboard. But of course, you might end in the friendly hippie corridor where my stuff is your stuff, with common dinners every weekend and movies every once in a while.
I didn't take any chance, I need to have a place for myself when I read. And I have to read a lot, beeing a medical student, of course. I could have applied for an another corridor until i found the happy hippie corridor, of course, but I like having a place I may redecorate as I like myself. But this blog post is actually not about me, but a way to make some simple corridor solutions.
A classmate of me had to move out of her first corridor after a big fight, her neighboroughs wasn't that.. eh.. safe. The next corridor seemed better, but after a while and quite a lot of angry notes, she realized that her corridor mates was thiefly and unhonest. So how to make them stay away from her food in the refrigator? Well, she gave it a thought, then she baked a full bodied creamy chocolate cake with a lot of frosting.. Heavy chocolate bar frosting. Then she cut the cake in two halves, and put one of them in her spot in the refrigator. This she actually did last night. Today she checked her refrigator, the cake was absolutely absent. After making herself breakfast and lunsh, she went to the exam hall (we had our finals today, yay!) laughing. She is very curious about the state of her corridor mates today. Why? Well.. This very smart and clever medical student added an extra ingredient to the heavy frosting: a bottle of laxatives.
Have a nice summer, and stay away from the food of your medical student friends, unless you're allowed to take..
But there may be some things a student have to considerate before leaving his or her home for becoming a student. One of them is the ratio between corridor parties and reading required for the finals (or worse, you trying to read when your neighboroughs are partying). One other is the possibillity of corridor mates stealing food and soap from your cupboard. But of course, you might end in the friendly hippie corridor where my stuff is your stuff, with common dinners every weekend and movies every once in a while.
I didn't take any chance, I need to have a place for myself when I read. And I have to read a lot, beeing a medical student, of course. I could have applied for an another corridor until i found the happy hippie corridor, of course, but I like having a place I may redecorate as I like myself. But this blog post is actually not about me, but a way to make some simple corridor solutions.
A classmate of me had to move out of her first corridor after a big fight, her neighboroughs wasn't that.. eh.. safe. The next corridor seemed better, but after a while and quite a lot of angry notes, she realized that her corridor mates was thiefly and unhonest. So how to make them stay away from her food in the refrigator? Well, she gave it a thought, then she baked a full bodied creamy chocolate cake with a lot of frosting.. Heavy chocolate bar frosting. Then she cut the cake in two halves, and put one of them in her spot in the refrigator. This she actually did last night. Today she checked her refrigator, the cake was absolutely absent. After making herself breakfast and lunsh, she went to the exam hall (we had our finals today, yay!) laughing. She is very curious about the state of her corridor mates today. Why? Well.. This very smart and clever medical student added an extra ingredient to the heavy frosting: a bottle of laxatives.
Have a nice summer, and stay away from the food of your medical student friends, unless you're allowed to take..
lørdag 29. mai 2010
Loosing my language
I have a hard time trying to make interresting post on my blog. I love to write, but I have a problem. I feel like I'm loosing the english language. It is because I dont speak english at a everyday basis. That means I can't really My language is now a strange mix of norwegian, swedish, english, latin with some czech words from now and then.
My class sometimes laugh a bit when I answer the questions asked in lectures. Last week my lecturer thought I said "jam" when the answer was "hunger". For the record; the norwegian word for hunger is "sult", whereas the swedish word for jam is "sylt".
Anyway, I'm considering to change language in my blog back to norwegian again. I don't know how many foreign/non-nordic readers I have. I have no idea..!
One week from now I have this term's last final. The subject is "Structure and function of the organs part II". Then I'll travel home and work at the local hospital and the elderly home for the whole summer. Hopefully, I'll go to my mother's birthplace for one week vacation in august and the last week in august will probably be used for some epilepcy tests at Umeå University Hospital.
My class sometimes laugh a bit when I answer the questions asked in lectures. Last week my lecturer thought I said "jam" when the answer was "hunger". For the record; the norwegian word for hunger is "sult", whereas the swedish word for jam is "sylt".
Anyway, I'm considering to change language in my blog back to norwegian again. I don't know how many foreign/non-nordic readers I have. I have no idea..!
One week from now I have this term's last final. The subject is "Structure and function of the organs part II". Then I'll travel home and work at the local hospital and the elderly home for the whole summer. Hopefully, I'll go to my mother's birthplace for one week vacation in august and the last week in august will probably be used for some epilepcy tests at Umeå University Hospital.
tirsdag 18. mai 2010
I had to go to centrum of Umeå today, had a appointment with my chiropractor. My back wasn't that bad today, for the first time in 2 years it was totally pain free to get the treatment. I feel a bit tired, chiropractic treatment, hot and heavy weather and 6 hours physiology (more or less) does about anyone tired.
Anyway, at my way back to the bus I remembered that my brand new glasses needed adjustment. So I went to the optician. Then I had to stop by the grocery store. To get there I have to pass through a clothing store. Nothing special about that, except that I Noticed a some peculiar arrangement of clothes category combination. First, hidden in a corner, there was the plus size category. Next to it a wall of sports garnments. And then, just a couple of meters away and in direct vision contact to plus size I spotted the new collection of bikinis. So, put the fatties and the hotties in the same corner. It will really help out on the self esteem for both those who need plus size and for those anorectics who think they're fat and are forced (by their own) to buy yet a set of sports clothes..
(And yes, there is something to be said about netiquette. I have to have summer classes in this subject for some of my nearest and dearest. Ahrg!)
Anyway, at my way back to the bus I remembered that my brand new glasses needed adjustment. So I went to the optician. Then I had to stop by the grocery store. To get there I have to pass through a clothing store. Nothing special about that, except that I Noticed a some peculiar arrangement of clothes category combination. First, hidden in a corner, there was the plus size category. Next to it a wall of sports garnments. And then, just a couple of meters away and in direct vision contact to plus size I spotted the new collection of bikinis. So, put the fatties and the hotties in the same corner. It will really help out on the self esteem for both those who need plus size and for those anorectics who think they're fat and are forced (by their own) to buy yet a set of sports clothes..
(And yes, there is something to be said about netiquette. I have to have summer classes in this subject for some of my nearest and dearest. Ahrg!)
fredag 14. mai 2010
Lightning and thunder
Isn't it strange? Today the sun rised at 03.32 am. It set at 21.41 and it is still dusk. In about a month (when i got my last final this semester), the night wil only last about 3 hours and 15 minutes, and it will be dusk the intire time.
The summer arrived yesterday, with lightning and thunder. My head gets quite heavy and sore before a thunder, so I knew it for quite some hours before the clouds gathered. Since my head doesn't work very well with thunder, my reading had to end quite early. And the telly and computer had to be off.. So what to do when the rain sweeps over my brand new windows? Well.. I found me myself some ice cream and sat in the sofa and watched the nature.
The rain washed away the very last patch of snow in our garden, and I woke up to the very first day of summer today. 22 degrees celsius, blue sky and a mild breeze. Of course had I to take my beloved Guyton & Hall outside and read in the garden.. The reading it self lasted for maybe 15 minutes, but ah. sunshine!
Anyway, I realized that my reading ability is not very great in the first summer day, so I went back inside. After a bit reading (about human growth hormone), some dinner and more reading, I got that "thundering" feeling again.. So I took a peek out the windows, the clouds seemed to have gathered again. But I also noticed a young man in the back yard, at the grill.. He had a plate of meet, a nice fire on the grill and probably a beer in his hand. Not so good timing, within 5 minutes the first raindrops landed, the guy looked a bit confused before he collected his stuff and leaved the back yard. I felt a bit sorry for him.
Hm.. I think I have to gather some classmates for a grill party before the semester ends.. And by the way, I got myself a summer job.. or actuall two! One on the local eldery home, and one at the regional hospital. :)
The summer arrived yesterday, with lightning and thunder. My head gets quite heavy and sore before a thunder, so I knew it for quite some hours before the clouds gathered. Since my head doesn't work very well with thunder, my reading had to end quite early. And the telly and computer had to be off.. So what to do when the rain sweeps over my brand new windows? Well.. I found me myself some ice cream and sat in the sofa and watched the nature.
The rain washed away the very last patch of snow in our garden, and I woke up to the very first day of summer today. 22 degrees celsius, blue sky and a mild breeze. Of course had I to take my beloved Guyton & Hall outside and read in the garden.. The reading it self lasted for maybe 15 minutes, but ah. sunshine!
Anyway, I realized that my reading ability is not very great in the first summer day, so I went back inside. After a bit reading (about human growth hormone), some dinner and more reading, I got that "thundering" feeling again.. So I took a peek out the windows, the clouds seemed to have gathered again. But I also noticed a young man in the back yard, at the grill.. He had a plate of meet, a nice fire on the grill and probably a beer in his hand. Not so good timing, within 5 minutes the first raindrops landed, the guy looked a bit confused before he collected his stuff and leaved the back yard. I felt a bit sorry for him.
Hm.. I think I have to gather some classmates for a grill party before the semester ends.. And by the way, I got myself a summer job.. or actuall two! One on the local eldery home, and one at the regional hospital. :)
torsdag 13. mai 2010
..then time passed by.
Had a blast in Czech Republic the weekend after easter, then I travelled home, got ill, got better, had my final (got ill again), passed my final and started to read for my next final.
Yeah, and my windows are FINALLY swopped! The new ones are much better and nicer. I have to read today, but my thougths are anywhere but at home.
Had a blast in Czech Republic the weekend after easter, then I travelled home, got ill, got better, had my final (got ill again), passed my final and started to read for my next final.
Yeah, and my windows are FINALLY swopped! The new ones are much better and nicer. I have to read today, but my thougths are anywhere but at home.
tirsdag 6. april 2010
Easter and beeing eaten.
Due to some strange traditions in Sweden, I'm granted easter holiday one week later than "normal". But I still got to meet my sister and her new puppy "Nansen". And I think he liked me, probably because I'm so chewy.. The pup is just shedding his teeth, and I was the perfect victim for his frustration. Cute boy, funny to see him, even if it was a bit painful too..
Luckily, my sisters easter holiday ended before all of me became dogfood, so I will proceed with my traveling plans. Czech Republic next!
Luckily, my sisters easter holiday ended before all of me became dogfood, so I will proceed with my traveling plans. Czech Republic next!
lørdag 27. mars 2010
Good bye, windows!
My apartement has gone through lots of renewal this winter. Of course, the kitchen has been totally redone, but also the livingroom have been redecorated. There is just some small things left to do;
-I forgot to buy a new dresser
-I miss 2 sets of curtains
-The windows are about to be changed.
Actually, the old windows will be taken out and replaced during the week after easter. Hopefully, my apartement will be a bit quieter, warmer and less dusty place after this.
The easter holiday has started for allmost everybody, exept me and my classmates. We are given our holiday a week later!? Anyway, my plans for my easter is set: going home to Norway, seeing my family, and then go to Czech Republic once again. I'm really looking forward to se my old classmates, even if it will sting a bit that they're allmost ready with their 3rd year, I'm not finished with my 1st yet... Everything takes a lot of time for me..
It is allmost 2 years since the accident now. I still got some bruises on my leg (!!!), and days where I can't do anything due to pain. But I'm still getting better.. slowly, slowly.. Hopefully...
-I forgot to buy a new dresser
-I miss 2 sets of curtains
-The windows are about to be changed.
Actually, the old windows will be taken out and replaced during the week after easter. Hopefully, my apartement will be a bit quieter, warmer and less dusty place after this.
The easter holiday has started for allmost everybody, exept me and my classmates. We are given our holiday a week later!? Anyway, my plans for my easter is set: going home to Norway, seeing my family, and then go to Czech Republic once again. I'm really looking forward to se my old classmates, even if it will sting a bit that they're allmost ready with their 3rd year, I'm not finished with my 1st yet... Everything takes a lot of time for me..
It is allmost 2 years since the accident now. I still got some bruises on my leg (!!!), and days where I can't do anything due to pain. But I'm still getting better.. slowly, slowly.. Hopefully...
søndag 14. mars 2010
My apartement on demand, part II
onsdag 24. februar 2010
I'm gonna have osteology tomorrow. Got the papers today; it's only a A-4 paper with some anatomical structures of the upper limb; we will have 4 hours to find the structures on a plastic model.. A bit different than CZ...
torsdag 11. februar 2010
Atropin + eyes
Had a demo in eye departement today. We was invited to visit the eye departement and to try out their eqipment there. Funny stuff! The photo is of my eyes 2 hour after dripping atropin into the left eye.
tirsdag 9. februar 2010
A couple of really old ladies
I went to Stockholm this weekend, to participate in the election of the new bord of ANSA Sweden (Association of Norwegian Students Abroad), meeting up with some other norwegian students in Sweden and try to catch up with some old friends in Stockholm.
It was a really busy weekend; travelling by air in the late afternoon, going direct to a restaurant in Stockholm city, with all my luggage with me. Restaurants in the center of any capital on friday nights tend to be crowded... Anyway, I met my norwegian co-students from whole Sweden, and after dinner we went to the hostel.
On saturday we had the anual election, and I got the lucky position as the leader of the board! A bit scary, a bit funny and a good opportunity to work with both ANSA as an organization and to get to meet more norwegian students and learn about studies all over the world!
Anyway, at my way to the airport (just running to catch the metro), two old ladies stopped me. Really old fashion old ladies, with a little make-up all over the face, cute fur coats that must have been several decades old (missing big patches of fur) and walking sticks. They had no idea of where their bus stop was, and needed help. I tried to explain for them that I wasn't a lokal, but that it had to be a bus stop nearby the metero station "Slussen", and a lot of locals knowing where to get on the buses. And I explained it all in norwegian, but theese little sweet oldies didn't understand that I actually was a foreigner nor that I actually didn't know the exact bus stop (they didn't know witch bus to climb on anyway)... In the end I just gave them my map and wished them good luck.
When I grow old, I want to be an old lady like those two.. I want to travel the world with a good friend from them old days, not knowing where to actually go...
It was a really busy weekend; travelling by air in the late afternoon, going direct to a restaurant in Stockholm city, with all my luggage with me. Restaurants in the center of any capital on friday nights tend to be crowded... Anyway, I met my norwegian co-students from whole Sweden, and after dinner we went to the hostel.
On saturday we had the anual election, and I got the lucky position as the leader of the board! A bit scary, a bit funny and a good opportunity to work with both ANSA as an organization and to get to meet more norwegian students and learn about studies all over the world!
Anyway, at my way to the airport (just running to catch the metro), two old ladies stopped me. Really old fashion old ladies, with a little make-up all over the face, cute fur coats that must have been several decades old (missing big patches of fur) and walking sticks. They had no idea of where their bus stop was, and needed help. I tried to explain for them that I wasn't a lokal, but that it had to be a bus stop nearby the metero station "Slussen", and a lot of locals knowing where to get on the buses. And I explained it all in norwegian, but theese little sweet oldies didn't understand that I actually was a foreigner nor that I actually didn't know the exact bus stop (they didn't know witch bus to climb on anyway)... In the end I just gave them my map and wished them good luck.
When I grow old, I want to be an old lady like those two.. I want to travel the world with a good friend from them old days, not knowing where to actually go...
torsdag 14. januar 2010
Har eksamen i morra, derfor gjør jeg minst mulig i dag. Jeg burde lese. Jeg MÅ lese. Jeg vil ikke lese.
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