torsdag 29. oktober 2009

Merkelig handlekorg

En tur til ICA i går ga et heller originalt resultat i handlekorga. Kassadama tenkte nok sitt da hun så hva jeg kjøpte...

-en pakke truser
-en strømpebukse
-en pakke oppvaskmaskinmiddel

Skulle jeg ha storrengjøring? Og i tilfelle, av hva? Av og til blir det slunkne og merkelige handlekorger, visst!

Noen bedre?

torsdag 22. oktober 2009

My apartement (on demand)

Here are some pics from my apartement in Sweden





Doing the inthinkable

Studying medicine is work, hard work and even more work. As we said in Czech republic, you're not allowed to stay home from school unless it's because of your own death, and you informed the faculty at least 2 months in advance, written in 4 verified copies.

In Umeå, things are a bit different. I haven't felt to good theese last days, and today I woke up with fever and soar throat. I decided not to go to uni, and slept on to 3 pm. I would never done this in HK. Ever!

It's actually a bit easier beeing a student of general medicine here in Sweden, but I really do miss some aspects of the teaching in HK. For example, we got case-methodics. We read biochem this semseter, and every new moment is introduced by a spesific case of a patient with a problem with the system to be studied. When we did glycolysis, whe read about a patient with a missing regulating enzyme in glycolysis, giving her a glukogen storing disease. It's interessting, but sometimes a bit unconvenient. Sometimes we tend to spend more time on the case than to the actual system we are gonna learn. I also miss lists over what to read (we are supposed to find out ourself what to learn, and how much..). And we only have 2 minitests during the whole first semester, before one final. Of course, we have to write a couple of lab reports, but it's not much. A bit to laidback for me.

My class is made up of 103 students, most from Sweden. I'm one of maybe 4-5 people in class not beeing a swedish citisen. My old class in HK had 60 students, now there is only about 30 left. It's a bit easier to get to know the class when there is less people in it, for some reason.. As I said, I sometimes miss HK..