onsdag 20. august 2008

Kebab for lunch

I'm back in Czech Republic again, that means that I from now will use my school-english (mixed with some international errors) again!

I've been here since saturday, revicing for my exam next week. It's slow progress in my work, but there is still hope that I might pass my two finals. The most important thing for me is not to read everything, but to remember everything I read. I use 3 different histological atlases plus the handbook of practical classes, and youtube. There is, luckily, a professor (or something like that) who have commented about 200 slides of histological preparates, and put it out on the internet. It's very helpful to see what I missed out when I read the texts. It's also easier to learn how to identify different cells and structures when somebody points them out for me and explain their function and apperance. So for you medicine students who are terrified for your histology or histopathology final:

Another nice thing is that there is a brand new kebab-store on the hospital area. The owner of the restaurant actually know what "halal" means, so it is good news for my malaysian classmates too. The kebab itself is loaded with chicken meat, salad, fresh onion, chili, other vegetables of your choise... and it tastes really nice! The price is 75 Kc, about 20-25 norwegian crowns. I was supposed to take a picture of it, but I ate it before I had time to do that.. Yummy!

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